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Our People

Parker Pracjek

Academic Support | MA, CCH
The slow, deep healing of homeopathy builds the capacity to hold more life.

I first came to know homeopathy at a time when I was very sick. Through work over a few years with my homeopath, I saw my health and life change. Homeopathy has played a key role in my profound healing from chronic asthma and trauma. The depth and nature of this healing work has helped show me the wisdom of my body, its messages, and the potential for building greater capacity for health and well-being.

The invitation to study homeopathy kept ‘knocking’ until I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I found the ethos of AHE to be beautifully aligned with my own, namely a huge emphasis on academic rigor and joy –two critical elements for preparing to work as a healer! I completed the 4-year part-time program at AHE in 2018 and have been in full-time private practice since then.My first career was in higher education, and I’m pleased to merge these passions by returning to AHE as faculty, working with HOHM Research and serving as a Commissioner with the Accreditation Commission for Homeopathy Education in North America.