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Tag: podcast

SRP Podcast Episode 65: Homeopathy Education-Accreditation Matters

Have you heard the news about the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) publishing a policy change? As of January 2025, the CHC exam candidate prerequisite of education from an accredited school is no longer required.  Join us as we discuss why accreditation matters!

SRP Podcast Episode 64: Homeopathy- Returning to Our Roots with Dr. Jamie Oskin

Have you ever wished you could travel back in time to get some of your burning Homeopathy questions answered in person by Hahnemann and Bönninghausen? We are excited to share this conversation about the upcoming Collaborative Homeopathic Conference-Returning to Our Roots that’s being held at Sonoran University, Tempe, Arizona September 20-22, 2024.

SRP Podcast Episode 61: Like a Fireside: Talking Homeopathy

Join us for a multi-layered library chat where we meander through situating James Tyler Kent on Homeopathy’s timeline, miasms, Vitalism, the psoric triad, Auras and much more. Several times a month we regularly hold space for talking to our students about Homeopathy without a set agenda. This podcast is a bit like one of our AHE Fireside Chats…

SRP Podcast Episode 60: Kerfuffles, Homeopathy Provings & Ethics

What are the things that a healthy person who’s exploring participating in a Homeopathy proving needs to consider before eagerly raising their hand for the journey? Reflecting on decades of experience, we share our take on some of the ways provings may impact individuals, couples and even family members!

SRP Podcast Episode 59: Homeopathy Research- Who’s Coming To See Us?

Who are the clients coming to the Homeopath? There is data about who’s using complementary medicine, but the data about who’s coming to see the Homeopath still needs to be collected at scale. With the help of our data angels the Practitioner Generated Research Network (PGRN) aims to answer this question and more. Join us!

SRP Podcast Episode 58: Homeopathy For True Acute Illnesses

Ever wonder what a couple of homeopaths do when they themselves succumb to an acute illness? How fast do they reach for a remedy when there’s an illness in their own family? What’s the role of illness? We cover all this and more in today’s episode…