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Category: Podcast

SRP Podcast Episode 21: Clinical Analysis, Ears… and Other Matters

In this episode, we talk about the importance of not overlooking the obvious why so many brilliant people spend considerable time, energy, and money studying Homeopathy and then can’t do the job. Hint: Live clinical training is the key to becoming a successful modern homeopath!

SRP Podcast Episode 20: Case Taking, Intuition & More

In this episode, we talk about how to find the best remedy based on the client’s present, persistent, and predominant complaint by using your intuition in your case-taking and your brain in case analysis and the internal tension that arises in the second phase of learning Homeopathy when students must let go of the comfort of what they already know. 

SRP Podcast Episode 18: JAHC & Deli-Paper

In this episode, we talk about highlights from JAHC 2023, how to find authority within, how to be scientific and modern, how provings deepen our understanding of original substances, how to prepare for an archive visit, and an example of how to fight infection during surgery.

SRP Podcast Episode 17: Homeopathy – A Peripheral Nuisance

In this episode, we talk about what it means to be a good writer, Hahnemann’s influence on homeopathy and how much of what we believe to be true about homeopathy comes from primary sources, and a unique introduction into Denise’s thesis research involving Constantine Hering and Adolph Lippe.

SRP Podcast Episode 15: Homeopathy Education

In this episode, we talk about the intersection of education and technology, experiences that shaped the spiral of AHE’s curriculum, and the types of people are interested in studying Homeopathy and why the journey is deep.