Todd A. Hoover, MD, DHt has practiced homeopathic medicine, emergency
medicine, family medicine, and occupational medicine for over thirty years.
He has served as President of the American Institute of Homeopathy,
President of the Council on Homeopathic Education, U.S. representative to
the LMHI, and is currently serving as Secretary for the Homeopathic
Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States.
Dr. Hoover was a clinical preceptor for Hahnemann Medical College for over
twenty years and has lectured on numerous homeopathic topics both in the
U.S. and around the world. His medical practice focused on full care of the
family across all age groups with treatment of both acute and chronic health concerns. His research
areas include provings, clinical studies of homeopathic medicine, and applicability of homeopathic
principles in allopathic medicine. For the past six years, Dr. Hoover has turned his sights to the study of
yoga which was the driving force for him to begin homeopathic studies. He is currently enrolled in a
doctoral program at the Lakulish Yoga University in India. He has authored five books on yoga and
ayurveda, and many articles in both homeopathic and allopathic journals.